Marriele Mango

Overcoming Barriers to Solar+Storage in Critical Facilities Serving Low-Income Communities: A Survey of Service Providers

Clean Energy Group conducted a survey to assess market barriers for solar+storage at critical facilities serving low-income communities. This report summarizes the survey results and suggests actions to bring the benefits of solar+storage to the people who need it most.

Resilient Power: Battery storage as a home-based solution to address climate-related power outages for medically vulnerable populations

This paper sheds light on the increasingly relevant problem of power outages and offers a view toward a socio-technically-based solution to protect vulnerable populations and improve health outcomes in the event of an outage.

Trends from 2008-2018 in electricity-dependent durable medical equipment rentals and sociodemographic disparities

Given health disparities in the United States, this paper assesses trends in durable medical equipment rental prevalence and individual- and area-level sociodemographic inequalities.

Overcoming Barriers to Solar+Storage in Affordable Housing: A Survey of Multifamily Affordable Housing Developers

Clean Energy Group conducted a survey of affordable housing owners and developers, technical services providers, and other stakeholders to assess existing market barriers. A new report summarizes the results of this survey and suggests actions to bring the benefits of solar+storage to the people who need it most.

Resilient Power Project Case Study – Cimarron District Forestry Office

The Energy Conservation and Management Division of New Mexico has made the State Forestry Division Cimarron District Office, one of its most remote offices, more resilient through a recently installed solar PV and battery storage system.

Resilient Power Project Case Study – Maycroft Apartments Pepco Resiliency Center

This project demonstrates how solar paired with battery storage can reliably power critical services for affordable housing residents in the event of an outage, while also delivering economic benefits to low-income households.

Home Health Care in the Dark: Why Climate, Wildfires and Other Risks Call for New Resilient Energy Storage Solutions to Protect Medically Vulnerable Households From Power Outages

This report examines the risks associated with power outages for individuals reliant on electricity for in-home medical and mobility equipment. Current energy security technologies and policies will need to adjust to meet the needs of the home health care community.

Resilient Southeast: Exploring Opportunities for Solar+Storage in Five Cities

Resilient Southeast is a series of reports exploring the obstacles and opportunities for solar PV and battery storage to strengthen the resilience of communities throughout the Southeast.

Resilient Power Project Case Study – Via Mobility Services

A leading nonprofit mobility services provider and emergency second responder invested in resilience upgrades to power critical transportation services for vulnerable populations in the event of an outage. This case study includes technical and financial details, as well as lessons learned over the course of the project.

Resilient Power Project Case Study – Boulder Housing Partners

The largest affordable housing provider in Boulder installed a solar+storage system to provide command post services during emergencies. This case study includes technical and financial details, as well as lessons learned over the course of the project.