Abbe Ramanan

Resilient Power Funding Programs: 2023 Annual Impact Report

This report measures and tracks the growth of CEG’s Resilient Power Funding Programs over the past year, and our progress towards goals such as awarding 50% of funding to BIPOC-led organizations. The report includes an overview of the 2023 awardees, representing 17 states and 38 community service partners.

Clean Energy Group Comments on IRS Proposed 45V Tax Credit for Clean Hydrogen Production

Clean Energy Group submitted comments to the IRS regarding Proposed Rule Section 45V Credit for Production of Clean Hydrogen.

Blue and Green Hydrogen Production: Potential Harms & Global Warming Impacts

The hype around using green or blue hydrogen as a decarbonization tool overlooks the fact that all hydrogen use can significantly increase global warming. How hydrogen is produced can have significant climate impacts.

Hydrogen’s Global Warming Impacts

The hype around clean hydrogen as a decarbonization tool overlooks the fact that all hydrogen significantly increases global warming if it leaks into the atmosphere, and its use with natural gas does not substantively reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Resilient Power Funding Programs: Building the Foundation for Energy Resilient Communities – 2022 Annual Impact Report

This report outlines the impacts of CEG’s 2022 grantmaking through the Technical Assistance Fund and the Resilient Power Leadership Initiative. The report covers the programs’ projects, partnerships, and lessons learned.

Clean Energy Group Comments on EPA’s Proposed Rules on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Limits for Power Plants

The EPA is proposing changes to the Clean Air Act related to greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel-fired electric generating units. CEG, along with nine partner organizations, has submitted comments expressing concerns about the potential impact of these proposed changes. 

Comments on New Jersey Energy Storage Incentive Program Straw Proposal

Clean Energy Group and the Clean Energy States Alliance submitted comments to the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities on the New Jersey Energy Storage Incentive Program Straw Proposal.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells Fact Sheet

Clean Energy Group has published a fact sheet answering four commonly asked questions about fuel cells – what they are, what they can be used for, drawbacks, and potential benefits.

Clean Energy Group Response to RFI on Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs Implementation Strategy

Comments submitted in response to DOE’s RFI regarding the implementation and structure of a DOE Funding Opportunity Announcement to fund regional hydrogen hubs. This submission reflects several of CEG’s concerns with the H2Hub program.

Resilience Matters: Opportunities for Action to Strengthen Communities

This publication by the Island Press Urban Resilience Project is a compilation of articles, op-eds, and interviews celebrating our collective progress in 2021, while highlighting how far we have yet to go. Four of the seven articles in the Energy section were written by CEG staff.