Estación de Bomberos Yauco, PR
(Versión en español disponible aquí)
A solar+storage installation at Fire Station Yauco provides critical backup power so that fire fighters can communicate with residents in need and provide life-saving emergency services, even during a power outage.

Estación de Bomberos Yauco, Puerto Rico. Photo Credit: Solar Responders
Local community members can also use the community rooms to power cell phones, refrigerate medication and power medical equipment during outages. The system consists of a rooftop solar panel array and lithium-ion battery storage system that can serve the critical loads of the fire station: radios, lights, computer systems, telephones, refrigeration, and a communal space.
Regular hurricanes and earthquakes, as well as the continued instability of the electric grid, mean that outages are common in Puerto Rico. With solar+storage, Fire Station Yauco can now provide critical care services to the local community during these outages. The solar+storage system can provide up to 16 hours of back-up power, even when the sun is not shining, to the entire station. The fire station is also equipped with a diesel generator as a redundancy measure should the solar+storage system run out of battery.
This installation was spearheaded by Solar Responders, a nonprofit with a mission to provide solar+storage to all 96 fire stations in Puerto Rico. Through a partnership with the Puerto Rico State Fire Department and AZ Engineering, Solar Responders has installed solar+storage systems at six fire stations in Puerto Rico to date: Fire Station Humacao, Fire Station Yauco, Fire Station Loíza, Fire Station Rincón, Fire Station Culebra, and Fire Station Cataño. You can read more about all of these solar+storage installations in a case study CEG produced in partnership with Solar Responders.
The six fire stations equipped with solar+storage serve a collective population of 181,800 individuals, and all the stations play a central role within their areas. In addition to providing emergency services, solar+storage allows the fire stations to also power important community functions. Fire Station Yauco serves a municipality that covers both inland and coastal communities. The area was hit by a series of increasingly devastating earthquakes starting on December 28, 2019 and culminating in a 6.4 magnitude earthquake on January 7, 2020. Thanks to its solar+storage system, Fire Station Yauco which was in the epicenter of the earthquakes, was able to provide over 500 hours of backup power and coordinate emergency services in the fallout from the earthquake. In August 2020, Yauco faced a sustained outage during the Puerto Rico’s election primaries. Fire Station Yauco was able to provide electricity to the local polling station so residents could still cast their votes.
While the Department of Public Safety of Puerto Rico (DPS), which oversees the island’s fire, emergency medical services, and police departments, was interested in pursuing solar+storage for fire stations, they expressed concerns about being able to afford the costs associated with system operation and maintenance (O&M). Rather than pursue more traditional models for solar+storage, such as a third-party leasing agreement, Solar Responders signed an agreement with DPS to own, operate, and maintain the solar+storage systems for ten years. As a newly formed nonprofit entity in both New York and Puerto Rico, Solar Responders has financial independence, low overhead, efficient operations, and strong ties to the community and industry leaders. This made them an ideal partner for DSP, who has minimal flexibility in their budget as their finances are regulated by the Puerto Rico Fiscal Oversight and Management Board.
CEG provided Solar Responders with a $7,500 Technical Assistance Fund award, which covered the cost of pre-development analysis for the solar+storage system at Fire Station Yauco. Now that the system is installed, it can reduce the station’s electric bill by 35-95%, depending on the load management of the station. Solar Responders is in talks with DPS and the government of Puerto Rico to reallocate these electric bill savings to cover the system’s O&M costs. Pivoting to this model will allow a longer system life span, a revenue source to pay system maintenance, and the fulfillment of Solar Responders’ commitment to local fire fighters and communities.
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Installation Details
Year Commissioned
Services Provided
Backup power
Supported Infrastructure
Fire station
11.4 kW PV array
Tesla Powerwall (27 kW)
Additional Backup Power
Pre-existing diesel generator (40 kW)
Project Partners
Puerto Rico Department of Public Safety, Puerto Rico Medical Emergency Corps Bureau, Puerto Rico State Fire Department, Hispanic Federation, Direct Relief, AZ Engineering, Clean Energy Group
Associated Webinars
Solar+Storage for Puerto Rico Fire Station Resilience (March 2021)
Resilient Power in Puerto Rico: Innovative Applications for Solar+Storage to Serve Vulnerable Populations (March 2020)
Energía resistente en Puerto Rico: Cómo el Solar+Almacenamiento está re moldeando el panorama energético (November 2019)
Associated Blog
Solar+Storage Supports Emergency Response in Puerto Rico After Hurricane Fiona (November 2022)
Estación de Bomberos Yauco, PR
While flash flooding had been commonplace in Boulder County, it was a 100-year flooding event in September 2013 that catalyzed interest in resilient energy infrastructure.
Boulder Housing Partners Headquarters in Boulder, Colorado. Used with permission by Boulder Housing Partners.
After four days of nonstop flooding, the City of Boulder was confronted with widespread power outages, critical infrastructure damage, and overwhelmed community services providers. It was clear that, moving forward, resilient backup power would be instrumental to delivering critical community services in the event of the next emergency or grid outage. Over a three-year period, the City of Boulder partnered with Boulder Housing Partners (BHP) to develop and install a resilient energy system that could effectively power critical community services for affordable housing community residents in the event of an outage.
In addition to being a leading affordable housing developer and the housing authority for the City of Boulder, BHP also provides command post services to over 3,000 low income residents during emergencies. The solar+storage installed allows BHP’s North Boulder headquarters to remain open and operational during a power outage. Working with Independent Power Systems and GRID Alternatives, BHP installed a solar PV array, solar battery storage, two electric vehicle (EV) chargers, a small gas generator, and a smart control system. The natural gas generator will replenish the batteries in instances of limited solar availability and the two 16-amp EV charging stations will ensure emergency electric transportation when the grid is down.
In the event of a power outage, an automatic transfer switch allows the system to operate independent of the grid and continue power to facility’s critical loads, including: servers, outlets, heating, phones, wi‐fi, and EV charging. This was the case during an unexpected June 2018 outage. When grid power failed, the solar+storage system came on immediately and BHP staff was able to continue business operations as normal.
The total cost of the solar+storage system, including solar PV, battery storage, and smart control systems, was $143,476. Savings from avoided outages and electric costs totaled $7,440 and resulted in a simple payback of just over 19 years. The project was funded by BHP and the Department of Energy’s Resilient Energy Delivery Infrastructure initiative, which funded development of smart grid technologies in local governments that have experienced a recent major disaster. The City of Boulder was also awarded a Resilient Power Technical Assistance Fund grant from Clean Energy Group to conduct technical and financial feasibility analysis on several properties.
Click on the photos below to view full size with captions.
Installation Details
Year Commissioned
Services Provided
Backup power, EV charging, Demand management
Supported Infrastructure
Affordable housing headquarters
18kW/45kWh lead acid batteries
Project Partners
City of Boulder, Boulder Housing Partners, GRID Alternatives, Independent Power Systems, Clean Energy Group, U.S. Department of Energy
Associated Webinar
Supporting Housing and Mobility with Resilient Power in Boulder (October 11, 2018)
Associated Blog
Solar+Storage Powers Critical Community Services in Boulder, Colorado (September 17, 2018)