Walmart + SolarCity = Solar + Storage
What do you get when the largest retailer in the US decides to partner with the biggest rooftop solar developer in the country? A lot more solar energy and some solar + storage too.
Read MoreState Efforts at Grid Modernization
Over the past year, we have seen a number of states initiate resilient power and microgrid initiatives. But in addition, a few states have begun a process of revisioning their electric grids.
Read MoreHow to Finance Resilient Power: Emerging Models Post-Sandy
It’s been two years since Superstorm Sandy hit the East Coast. It knocked out electric grids and left millions of people to suffer for weeks without power in public housing, senior centers, hospitals and shelters.
Read MoreNew York City: Power Stations in Flood Plain
According to a report from the New York City Resiliency Initiative, 88% of the city’s steam generating capacity, 53% of the in-city electric generation capacity, 37% of transmission substation capacity, and 12% of large distribution substation capacity currently lie within the 100-year floodplain.
Read MoreMassachusetts DOER awards $7.4 million to critical infrastructure resilient power projects
The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) and the Patrick administration have awarded $7.4 million to six municipal-led resilient power projects that will support critical infrastructure and services during natural disasters and other emergencies.
Read MoreEmerging Finance Models for Resilient Infrastructure
With recent announcements from New York and New Jersey, we now have two emerging finance models to fund community level, climate resilient infrastructure.
Read MoreResilient Power Builds Stronger Communities with Clean Energy Technologies
Clean Energy Group has released a new paper about the progress of “resilient power” efforts since the New York City blackouts in 1999 to Superstorm Sandy.
Read MoreSolar + Energy Storage = Resilient Power in Vermont
Around the country, a new model is arising to provide clean, reliable, locally generated and locally managed energy: solar power combined with energy storage in the form of batteries.
Read MoreNew Jersey Creates Nation’s First Energy Resilience Bank
New Jersey recently created the first-in-the-nation “Energy Resilience Bank (ERB).” Designed to address a repeat of the devastating impacts of SuperStorm Sandy, when over 8 million people lost electric power in the region, the ERB will provide $200 million for municipalities to finance clean resilient power solutions.
Read MoreSolar + Storage and the Utility Death Spiral
Every so often, an idea seems to take on a life of its own. For example, a year or two ago, every energy blogger was talking about “solar soft costs,” and how to reduce them. Recently, the phrase du jour is “utility death spiral.”
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