Report from BOEM’s New York Auction Seminar and Public Hearing
Strong winds, advanced offshore wind technology, and a large market all come together in New York where the US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management recently designated 81,130 acres as a commercial wind energy area.
Read MoreNYSERDA Sailing Forward On Offshore Wind
NYSERDA’s announcement that it will participate in the BOEM auction of the New York Wind Energy Area is an exciting and potentially significant opportunity for offshore wind development.
Read MoreFrom Oil to Offshore Wind
If U.S. oil companies stop drilling for more oil, as climate activists want, what would they do to keep their shareholders happy and solvent? Maybe they could repower the American electric industry with offshore wind.
Read MoreCan Reforms Shift California Program from Controversy to Energy Storage Incentive Model?
The California Public Utilities Commission recently proposed a few changes to California’s Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) that may begin to reshape the program into a national model for incentivizing energy storage deployment.
Read MoreClosing the Clean Energy Divide with Solar+Storage
The combination of solar PV and battery storage technologies is already reducing operating costs for businesses across California, but can solar+storage reduce electric bills for affordable housing as well?
Read MoreNew York Utilities, Solar Developers Partner to Solve Net Metering
Some utilities’ opposition to the so-called free ridership of solar customers, and the related downward pressure on the value of net metering, has become an oft-repeated headline. But this month, utilities and solar developers in New York pioneered a new, cooperative approach to the issue that deserves close attention.
Read MorePairing Energy Storage Solutions with Offshore Wind Development
Energy storage incorporated into renewable energy projects can have multiple benefits for transmission systems and the projects themselves.
Read MoreCan Storage Rescue Solar?
Recently, solar advocates and industry celebrated the renewal of the federal ITC, which will continue to provide significant economic support for solar. On a state and local level, however, the outlook seems less rosy.
Read MoreFrom Efficiency to Energy Storage: A Third-Generation Strategy for Affordable Housing
After over 40 years of promoting energy efficiency and a decade of promoting solar PV in affordable housing, clean energy advocates working in this sector are considering what the next steps should be for further reductions in energy costs for low-income tenants.
Read MoreAn Unexpected Renewable Energy Trend
Over the past three years, numerous news stories have highlighted efforts to roll back state renewable portfolio standards (RPSs), which require electricity suppliers to get an increasing share of their electricity from clean sources. However, most of the significant RPS actions that states have taken have been in the opposite direction.
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