CESA State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards: Outstanding Programs Found Here
November 19, 2014
Clean Energy States Alliance | Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA)
A collection of case studies of the 2014 State Leadership in Clean Energy award-winning programs from state and municipal clean energy development funds from around the country. Included are:
- The Alaska Energy Authority and the Kodiak Electric Association for Kodiak, Alaska: A 99% Renewable Energy Community
- The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection for the Connecticut Microgrid Program
- The Connecticut Green Bank for the Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) program
- The Energy Trust of Oregon for the City of Gresham Wastewater Treatment Plant
- The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center for the Massachusetts Clean Energy Internship Program
- The New Mexico Energy Conservation and Management Division for the Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit
- The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) for its CHP Acceleration Program
- The Sacramento Municipal Utility District for SMUD’s Community Renewable Energy Deployment Program