Publications Library
Comments on Environmental Impact Statement Notice of Intent for the California Hydrogen Hub
In these comments, CEG urges DOE to extend the deadline for comments on the proposed scope of the Environmental Impact Statement for the California Hydrogen Hub by another 60 days and lays out the ramifications of hydrogen energy.
Emissions Accounting for the Hydrogen Production Tax Credit: Key Gaps in the 45VH2 GREET Model
The Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies (GREET) model is used to determine the lifecycle emissions of various energy sources, expressed as carbon equivalent emissions, and creates the framework for many monetary and market incentives related to energy production. In some cases, the values, assumptions, and calculations within each GREET model have…
Comments on Environmental Impact Statement Notice of Intent for the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub
In these comments submitted to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Clean Energy Demonstration, CEG urges DOE to extend the deadline for comments on the proposed scope of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub by another 60 days. This is due to limited information on the scope and locations…
Understanding the 45V Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit: Requirements, Exceptions, and Project Impacts
The U.S. Treasury Department released final guidance on the 45V Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit in January 2025. While the guidance did contain the vital “three pillars” of incrementality, temporal matching, and deliverability, which are essential for ensuring hydrogen production does not lead to a massive increase in grid emissions, it also contains several concessions…
Potential Dangers of Blending Hydrogen and Natural Gas in Pipelines
Could blending hydrogen with natural gas help decarbonize the natural gas supply chain? This 4-page fact sheet outlines the potential dangers of blending hydrogen and natural gas in pipelines. These dangers include hydrogen’s corrosive effects on pipeline materials, its tendency to leak, and its highly explosive nature. Hydrogen blending is also inefficient and costly: a…
Optimizing Energy Resilience to Support Medically Vulnerable Residents in Multifamily Affordable Housing
Power outages can quickly turn into a health crisis for the millions of Americans that rely on electricity for home medical devices, including life-support equipment (such as dialysis machines and ventilators) and technologies for independent living (such as electric wheelchairs, refrigeration for medicine, and internet for telehealth appointments). Many electricity-dependent residents live in multifamily affordable…
A Community Assessment of Health Impacts from the Pittsfield Generating Facility on Local Communities
This report assesses the community health impacts of a fossil fuel peaker power plant in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Built in 1990, the oil and gas-powered Pittsfield Generating Facility runs only during times of peak electricity demand, producing some of the most expensive and polluting energy on the grid. As the facility ages, its rate of pollution…
Video Series: Resilient Solar+Storage for Community Facilities
This video series is intended to introduce audiences to key concepts about solar and energy storage and guide viewers through how to size a solar and battery storage system.
Equitable Resilience: Opportunities to Advance Solar Paired with Battery Storage in Historically Marginalized Communities
This report by Clean Energy Group (CEG) presents findings resulting from the Resilience, Storage and Grid Benefits Community of Practice, an effort through the Equitable Solar Communities of Practice program initiative by The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office.
Comments on Environmental Impact Statement Notice of Intent for the Appalachian Hydrogen Hub
In these comments, CEG urges DOE to extend the deadline for comments on the proposed scope of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Appalachian Hydrogen Hub by another 60 days and lays out the ramifications of hydrogen energy.