Resilient Power Project Toolkit

Resilient power, supplied by clean, renewable technologies, can help strengthen communities by delivering resiliency, economic, and health benefits. The information and resources listed below are designed to provide the tools and background information to gain a better understanding of resilient power systems and how to approach the planning and development of a resilient power installation. Resources include descriptions and links to key reports, guides, and webinars produced by Clean Energy Group and other organizations.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about resilient power for affordable housing and critical community facilities, please contact [email protected].


Resilient Power Technology

Resilient power is the ability to provide a facility with continuous, reliable power even when the electric grid goes down. Truly resilient power should be clean, renewable, and have the ability to provide benefits throughout the year, not just during natural disasters and other power emergencies. The resources listed below provide a more in-depth look at the components of a resilient solar+storage system, including an introduction for those new to solar+storage technologies and considerations for projects interested in adding storage to an existing solar system.

Understanding Solar+Storage: Answers to Commonly Asked Questions About Solar PV and Battery Storage (Clean Energy Group, 2020)

This guide addresses commonly asked questions about solar PV and battery storage (solar+storage) technologies. It is based on the results of a survey identifying the most common knowledge gaps around solar and energy storage.

Solar+Storage 101: An Introductory Guide to Resilient Solar Power Systems (Clean Energy Group, 2015)

This guide provides a basic technical background and overview of solar+storage systems. It is meant as a starting point for project developers, building owners, facility managers, and state and municipal planners to become familiar with solar+storage technologies, how they work, and what’s involved in getting a new project off the ground.

Webinar – Resilient Power in Practice: Lessons Learned from the Field (Clean Energy Group, 2018)

Introductory webinar that explains how to approach a resilient power project and shares practical lessons learned from the field.

Battery Storage for Homeowners (Solar United Neighbors, 2018)

This straight-forward guide is designed to educate homeowners about adding battery storage to their home energy systems, and much of information is applicable to commercial projects as well. The guide examines the types of batteries that are currently available, how they can be used, and the economics of battery storage for homeowners.

End-of-Life Management of Lithium-ion Energy Storage Systems (Energy Storage Association, 2020)

This white paper from the Energy Storage Association describes the current status of lithium-ion battery reuse and recycling opportunities and explains how the energy storage industry may be able to adopt some of the lessons learned from the management of an increasing stock of used electric vehicle batteries. The paper also outlines various initiatives to improve the management of the li-ion battery life cycle.

Resilient PV Retrofit and Storage Ready Guidelines (City University of New York, National Renewable Energy Lab, Meister Consultants Group, 2016)

This fact sheet provides information to installers, utilities, policy makers, and consumers on how to add an energy storage system to existing solar PV systems to create resilient PV or make new PV systems “storage ready”.

Home Health Care in the Dark (Clean Energy Group, 2019)

This report examines the risks associated with power outages for individuals reliant on electricity for in-home medical and mobility equipment. Current energy security technologies and policies will need to adjust to meet the needs of the home health care community.

Project Evaluation Tools
Project Development
Additional Resources
Spanish Language Resources